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Erotica for men

Marriage, Sex, and Illicit Encounters

He moaned in anticipation as I rubbed just the tips of my fingers up and down his shaft a couple of times. Then, I slowly lowered my face down to taste him, mouth open, taking him in, delighting in the sounds of pleasure I was giving to his body.

The Wild Taste of You

There was a moment when she had struck a certain pose that I knew I couldn’t wait another minute to take her. Her full mane had trailed down, obscuring her back.  Her body, filthy and covered in sand, looked as wild and free as the rocks and leaves behind her.

The Freedom to Be

Do you really know the true nature of a woman? If you ever saw her, free and in her true form, you would stand in reverence.

Little Red Dress

What does this little red dress say to you? A touch of sophisticated mixed with a touch of if you took me to bed, I’d blow your fucking mind.

A woman in pink strappy lingerie

Her Paramour

“Mitch is having a shitty day working from home, but it turns around real quick when his married and aloof occasional lover seeks him out for pleasure.” ~ This story also includes some sexy pictures intermingled with the text. I hope you enjoy. 😉