Do you know what I love most about words? It’s not their ability to entertain, or even the immense power they possess to persuade minds with surgical precision, implanting ideas that can topple empires, even. No, it’s not that.
For me, it’s their ability to transcend time and space to create a tether between two minds, a portal that can open and allow the sharing of a reality so complete –- so intimate — that you can find yourself transposed.
Take you for example — and I don’t mean a general, could be anybody, you. I mean you, right there reading these words at this exact moment. I am talking to you. These carefully crafted words of mine have created a link between us, just as I had intended.
I often wonder about you. Who are you, really? What about my creative mind and bared skin has captured your interest? What would we talk about if we went on an afternoon coffee date, the two of us strolling through a greenspace, steaming cups in hand as the fall colors edge the world in flames? Are you a chef, a photographer, a firefighter, an athlete perhaps? Would you like how flirty I am in real life? Would my coy smile entice you?
You hadn’t been thinking about walking through a park with me, but by now I’m sure you’ve conjured up an image of it. Perhaps you’ve even added your own twist to this shared scene of ours. Is your arm around my waist as we walk? Have you perhaps pressed me against the aromatic bark of a cedar tree?
But of course you and I are not strolling down a trail in the midst of a greenbelt. That image was simply an example to illustrate my point about words and their power.
Words can not only paint the physical characteristics of any given moment, but they can so easily penetrate the veil between the outside world and the inner workings of the mind. No other artistic medium has such power. This is why the book is always better than the movie.
So, perhaps you’re wondering, if not walking in the park, what am I actually doing here on the other end of these words. Well, baby let me tell you. I’m lying on my bed, a pink inky pen in hand as the afternoon light streams through the window. I’m on my belly and my fruit covered notebook is open in front of me. My rose painted lips are edged with a sultry smile.
I’m wearing a strappy black and gold Victoria’s Secret bodysuit. It clings to my body in an artistic display of skin and fabric. My hair is full and flowing freely.
I’m smiling because these words have not just created a thread between us; they’ve opened a portal between our realities. The more I describe to you this moment that I’m living, both the poise of my body and the erotic thoughts in my mind, you can see it growing in front of you. It stands there in your mind as a glowing rip in the world, and gleaming on the other side of this portal is me. You don’t bother to wonder or question. You step though. Good boy. I have you right where I want you now, inside of my bedroom.
Lila’s scent is the first thing that touches me once I’m inside her room. The soft aroma of roses reaches out to welcome me. She is sprawled out on the bed, her strappy bodysuit barely covering her skin.
The remainder of this story is for paying members. And just so you know, it comes with 10 images and a video, and of course, my voice. Consider supporting this site with your membership to view all these little treats.
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